Trust Benjamin Maths, your #1 centre for advanced learning
We have helped thousands of students achieve their academic goals! Kickstart your journey in Benjamin Maths today!
After nearly failing his PSLE, Benjamin started out as an underachiever, scoring D’s and E’s for Mathematics while in Normal Academic stream. After adopting effective learning strategies, his teacher saw a drastic improvement in his results and offered him Additional Mathematics. He went on to top the school in both subjects, eventually scoring 8 points for his ‘O’ Levels. He also represented his school at the Mathematics Olympiad. In college, he was offered Further-Mathematics, Mathematics-C and Special paper. Likewise, he became the top 1% of his college in Mathematics.
Since 2003, thousands of students have benefited from Benjamin’s teachings, with vastly improved results to show. Our belief is that students get poor grades not because they are stupid or slow, but they just lack an effective strategy, a lack of clear goals and role models. At Benjamin Maths, we provide you with the role models and effective strategies.

I started attending lessons at Benjamin Maths in December due to my unsatisfactory A maths results in the Secondary 3 end-of-year examination. In Secondary Three, my A maths results was a mere B4. However in less than one year, my A maths results improved to A1 in the preliminary examination.
Needless to say, I scored an A1 in the recent O’level examination. I would never have achieved such good results without the help of Benjamin Maths. After attending lessons at Benjamin Maths, my maths results had been consistent throughout the year.
Therefore, I sincerely talk Benjamin for helping me achieve good results in maths. Now that I’m already in Junior College, I still continue lessons with BenjaminMaths as I trust that he will continue to guide me in my journey in Maths (:
From Ms Low (Caleb’s Mummy): My son attended P5 maths lessons 2 months before SA2 to strengthen his Paper 2 problem sums solving skills.Benjamin gave personalized attention on him and cleared his doubts in a short span of time. he improved from 71 to 84, having a great improvement in Paper 2! He now approaches problem sums with more confidence! Thank you so much Benjmain Maths!
I was a struggling secondary four A Mathematics student when i first joined Benjamin’s group. At first I was skeptical about the whole thing-how was Ben’s tuition any different from others, who likewise claimed to produce excellent results in their students?
However overtime he proved his ability – his different approach with his own formulas and shortcuts renewed my interest in the subject. I was startled by how Ben’s methods helped me to comprehend math easily. His continuous encouragement and aid spurred me on and it was with disbelief that from an F9 score during the mid-year exams, my results shot up to an A1 for my preliminary exams, and I even topped my entire class.
Now, mathematics seems easy for me and I no longer need to fret over my results.
I started off at Benjamin Maths at the beginning of Secondary 3. At that point, I was scoring C6 for my E-maths and F9 for my A-maths. At first I was reluctant to go for tuition as pass experiences on Chinese tuition proved futile. After much persuasion from my parents, I decided to give it a try.
After a month of lessons at Benjamin Maths, my results started to improve. I started scoring A’s for my E-maths and stated passing my A-maths. I then decided to continue with Benjamin Maths as results really were guaranteed. I scored A1 for both maths in the prelim and the O’level examinations. Through proper teaching, guidance and self-discipline at Benjamin Maths, results are certain. Benjamin Maths RoX!!
I arrived at Benjamin Maths during my Secondary 4 June Holidays with a result slip that could not get me into any Junior College in Singapore. This is extremely disappointing and worrying for my parents. This is especially so when Maths is a ‘must’ to be taken into calculation of my L1R5 score.
Before arriving at Benjamin Maths, I’ve been consistently getting only a C5 or C6 for both Maths. However within just 3-4 months, my Maths’ results rocketed to a stunning A1 for prelims and eventually in O’ Levels. I’ve no one to thank buy Benjamin Maths! At Benjamin Maths, I was able to study in a perfectly conducive environment where the teachers here are more like a friend to me. They took much pains to coach me, giving me all the attention that I need. This allowed me to clarify my endless queries on the different topics and concepts, right down to the basics. Although the classes are group tuition, however, I felt otherwise. As long as I’m in doubts, the teachers here would be there to clarify and straighten my thoughts in less than 10 seconds!
In all, I had an enjoyable and fruitful experience here at Benjamin Maths!
From Mrs Soh: Prior to signing up my son, Kesven Soh for tuition with Benjamin Maths, his mathematics exam results were languishing. After 2 years with Benjamin Maths, there was a phenomenal improvement in his grades. He even scored 100/100 for his P6 preliminary examination. All thanks to the method of coaching employed by Benjamin Maths, my son found a renewed love and competency in mathematics!
I first stated out as a below average student during the first year of my JC. I still remember that I scored a mere 17 marks for my very first mid year examination, and hence my parents decided to enroll me in Benjamin Maths in hopes that my results would improve. At first, I wasn’t the least interested to attend the lessons as I did not have any interest in the subject at all. I’ve never been good at math and math lessons to me was just a lore and a waste of time. However, Benjamin’s way of teaching the subject – using his short cuts and attentive teaching – cultivated my interest in the subject.
It was then that I realize that this subject was not as ‘horrible’ as I had known it to be, in fact I thought it was fun and there was a sense of satisfaction after getting a question correct. Under Benjamin’s guidance during lessons and the extra help he have given to me with school work outside of lesson hours, my grades improved tremendously. I even topped the class for most of my math test during my second year.
I must say, I would not have scored an A for Maths during my A levels if not for Benjamin Maths’ help.
When I first joined Benjamin Maths towards the start of my JC2 year, I had never passed a single math test or examination prior to that. Clothed with a defeatist attitude, my stay with Benjamin Maths soon changed all of that. Ben is a teacher of intention and interest, one who is certain of his teaching methods and able to tailor them to suit his students’ needs. ‘A’ Level mathematics started out as a box of jigsaw puzzle shoved to me with a deadline that I had to meet: abstract, confusing and fearsome – and time was running out.
It was Ben who stepped in to present the complete picture, lay down all of the pieces, and walked me through the entire process. Many concepts I could now accept and every lesson at Benjamin Maths was truly a visible leap forward in my giant maths adventure. To say that Benjamin Maths empowered me with the confidence to know that I could achieve far more that what I started out with would be an understatement. I’ve come a long way in such a short period of time only because of all the time and effort Ben put in to nurture, teach and encourage. Thanks Benjamin Maths! My jigsaw puzzle is now completed and framed up 🙂
It was September when I first join Benjamin Maths in preparation for my preliminary examinations. With only two short months left before the impending ‘A’ Levels, I was desperate for expert help with some Math concepts that were still fluffy. Given the limited time left, my initial intention when I first joined Benjamin Maths was to clear the doubts and misconceptions but I eventually gained much more.
Efficient problem solving methods, structured lesson plans and professional teaching were what I received in that short period of time. The A levels came and went and I am thankful for all the guidance received at Benjamin Maths that made my ‘A’ possible!!!
Enrolling into Benjamin Maths Tuition centre was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life 🙂
Before beginning my journey with Benjamin, my maths grades in school was horrendous. I have never ever seen a “pass” on my result slip for math and my grades are always in the ungraded (18/100) range. It was only until July after my terrible math grade at J2’s mid year exams, I started to panic as it was only 4 months more to A’ level Exams. A good friend then introduced Benjamin to me and being desperate, I decided to try taking math tuition (I’ve never had ANY tuition in my life before).
On the first day of tuition Mr Goh appeared to be a very friendly teacher. He was professional with his work and even made an effort to assess my current progress and find out what is wrong with my study methods. After which he corrects all my mistakes and made sure it is not repeated. Mr Goh was also very patient with me despite the initial reluctance to do my work. My journey with Benjamin Maths was a fruitful and enjoyable one, with my grades improving tremendously and learning math was never made so enjoyable until I was at Ben’s! 😀
I had initially been under a private math tutor during my JC years. Even then, my average grade for math always alternated between an S grade and a U grade. When my private tutor left 2 month prior to the A Levels to work overseas, I was left stranded, with no one to guide me through the many math problems I couldn’t comprehend.
Fortunately, a good friend of mine recommended me to join her tuition class at Benjamin Maths. Through Mr Goh and his team of teachers’ guidance and encouragement, Mathematics didn’t seem so mind-boggling as it once was. In fact, my Maths grade jumped from a U at Prelims to an A at the A’ Levels, all within 2 months!
Thank you so much for all your help Ben. I credit my Maths success to you!